The KEY to achieving success online
I know this is a very early stage intro, but we will be hammering down this principle all the way ...
The holy grail, the REAL secret to achieving success online - is to have a captive audience. You can call it a lot of things. A list, a tribe, whatever - but without it you will be sentenced to do sporadic business online at a cost that will demotivate you.
Don't make the same mistake I made. I heard about the value of a list early in my online journey, but spent so much time chasing the next shiny object that we took YEARS before we seriously started listbuilding.
There are many ways of doing this, and we will be teaching you various ways to build your list. BUT the important thing is - please DO it! Just START!
And if you can't afford paid options at this point, use the free options.
- Start learning how to do business for free using this platform that enables you to build an email list, build landing pages, popups, provide you leads, track links and much more.
- Then you can move to the next step in basic resources and platforms that will require low costs - around $25 pm. (Any growing business online will have some measure of cost).
BOTH the platforms above allow you to earn BOTH ways - by selling your own products and also earning as an affilliate.
You will be able to start earning money within 24 hours!
After that, you can start expansion, and budget for paid traffic which will allow you to scale..
Watch the video below.
- Connie