While there are volumes written on picking a niche, you need to super focus on this aspect before anything else.
The simplistic version:
Start out with ONE target audience. The more specific you make it, the better. There is more teaching on the subject elsewhere in this curriculum, but here we are keeping it simple.
- If you are selling your own products, then use a super focussed description of your ideal customer.
- If you are selling as an affiliate, then you need to describe the ideal customer who would buy the product.
Do not casually skip or dismiss this step, since it is the most important factor and key to your success. People are looking for solutions to their problems, issues and pain. If you look like somebody who is everything for everybody, nobody will be drawn to you. Do not be a general practitioner, be a specialist (or position yourself as one). For those who are wondering what and how - it is not that difficult.
For more detail, read and watch these 2 lessons:
Coming up next:
- You will start learning how to do business for free using this platform that enables you to build an email list, build landing pages, popups, provide you leads, track links and much more.
- Then I will introduce you to the next step in basic resources and platforms that will require low costs - around $25 pm. (Any growing business online will have some measure of cost).
BOTH the platforms above allow you to earn BOTH ways - by selling your own products and also earning as an affilliate.
You will be able to start earning money within 24 hours!